
“Life is Our Field”.


is the Magic Nature brand dedicated to the agricultural world and healthy eating.

Hand in hand with farmers, and in collaboration with universities and other research centers, GREENHOVERFLY® goal is to develop solutions for ecologically sustainable management practices, and regenerative agriculture.

Greenhoverfly® is:

Development and Innovation

We use cutting-edge knowledge and technology through multidisciplinary and multisectoral alliances, to develop products and processes with different benefits for crops and soil.

Greenhoverfly® is:


Being an ally
to your clients

We provide permanent assistance to our clients to maximize the efficacy and efficiency of our methods, and products, in your crops.

We reduce indirect costs for the use of phytosanitary products

By developing innocuous products towards humans and the environment, we reduce indirect costs produced by some phytosanitary products.

We are based on high safety standards

We adopt high safety standards and promote the proper use of our products.

We promote shared value

We promote the joint development of emerging problem solutions.

Soils and crops
healthy and profitable


Healthy soils and crops represent stable and higher incomes for farmers.

and feedback
of the nature


We protect nature (e.i. soil, insects, water, etc.), and we seek regeneration strategies that ensure the sustainability and well-being of crops.


Sustainable agronomy
and agroeconomy

Magic Nature offers comprehensive consultancies for the efficient management of agricultural processes and the promotion of its products in the market, offering adequate financial schemes and the analysis of the natural capital of the productive units (farms, crops, greenhouses, etc.).

Our goal is to accompany our clients in the evaluation of their natural capital (the natural resources that are available), as well as the technical and economic efficiency of different productive components: crops, processes, inputs, markets.

  • Analysis on technical feasibility
  • Economic feasibility studies
  • Estimation of natural capital
  • Training

A multidisciplinary group of professionals in agronomy, biotechnology and industrial engineering, biology, economics and finance, are at the disposal of our clients, in order to offer the best service.

For more information contact us at or contact us at (+593) 998038683.


Sustainable agronomy
and agroeconomy

We believe that promoting knowledge in agroecology and bioeconomy, is key in the development of an economy based on the respect and appraisal of nature, as well as in the development of an agriculture that meets the needs of farmers, foresees the wellbeing of consumers, and protects biodiversity.

For this, with the support of university researchers, and experts in the different fields of natural sciences, biotechnology, agronomy, and economics, we offer courses and personalized training (online and face-to-face) that allows broadening perspectives on potential innovations and improvements in production.

Follow us through our Newsletter, where each month you will find upcoming courses and events.

For more information contact us at
or contact us at (+593) 998038683

